Oral health is essential to the well-being of everyone. According to World Health Organization 60-90% of school children and nearly 100% of adults have dental cavities worldwide. 15-20% of middle-aged adults have severe periodontal (gum) disease.  About 30% of 65-74 year-olds have no natural teeth.

It’s easy to lose sight of the all the real people and the real suffering behind these statistics. Our teeth are incredibly sensitive and their decay comes only with excruciating pain.

Oral disease is highest amongst poor and disadvantaged populations.  Because oral health is generally not considered life-threatening, it is one of the most under-served areas of need worldwide. Education, especially to children, can also go a long way in bringing about a long-term solution.

Because this fundamental area of need has gone underserved for so long, we felt it may require a new approach: a little zest!  That’s where we come in.  When help is a no show, Dentists a Go Go!